Monday, February 7, 2011

Pur Sink Adapter Does Not Fit

interview with Jascha Wagner (CDU)

Jascha Wagner (22), self-confessed Elvis fan, co-founder of the "Dance Studio Hamburg-Wandsbek eV" CDU member of the Local Board Wandsbek.

How does a young person to the CDU? by political interest. For me it was so that I have first of all just thrilled for the whole policy. You have to stop to imagine that anything that makes you
and no matter where you are has to do with politics. Whether one goes on a road (road was built through infrastructure measures / possibly a traffic light installed for safety) or in his spare time doing something. Everything has ultimately to do with decisions taken in politics.
CDU came to me after I had read the policies of the parties and have noticed, that I have with the CDU, the largest interfaces. Especially in the underlying themes to my heart: education, internal security and the economy.
This does not mean I think everything was great from the CDU is done and it looks a whole in the party also.
That makes the attraction, especially for young people. You can discuss many issues and perhaps understand why a decision is made with a difference as they had been hit. Or whatever it is, it brings even something as the MPs have not thought of and even such inspirations. The very best example is that the youth wing of the CDU (Junge Union) through an initiative has (signature collection, etc.) ensured that run through the weekend, the U-Bahn and S-Bahn in large part. Because you notice what you can change everything.

How much time on party work in right? The beautiful is that one can always divide itself, as it is a voluntary activity. For me, it is determined as about 15 hours a week. Often significantly more.
These include not only the meetings in various groups regarding the content work well for this campaign or sitting
on your own PC at home and answer email, or write an application.

Can you something about the objectives of the CDU in Hamburg ? Call
There are many goals to be pursued by the CDU in Hamburg. But probably the most important are the following.

1) No school chaos: After the referendum, we have understood as a union that school reform was not a sensible step and therefore want to follow the two-pillar system of school and district school still reasonable, and in particular prevent the unity school of GAL, the left and parts of the SPD is required.
Each child must be encouraged as possible. But individually. And this is unfortunately not with the unit school.

2) Homeland Security: We are facing important tasks in domestic politics. We did it for several years that Hamburg no more crime capital of Germany is to feel well again and you can on the streets of Hamburg. In particular, we must now worry more about security at stations, as there seems to be "fashion" has become in these places to exercise violence.
addition, it is important again more police on the street have. Just as contact with problems. Or the school police officer who acts as first point of contact in schools and in the districts and as a preventive act.

3) Elbe dredging: For our city, it is important that we get these Elbe dredging. Not only for the economy itself. depend very much on this project Jobs turn, that would be lost at a non-deepening. The shipping companies would simply approach other ports. This may not be the target of reasonable politics in Hamburg.

4) Housing: It must be admitted that some things were also not yet carried out simply by the CDU. This clearly is one of the housing. In the next four years in the area should also some events. will Compared to the other parties competing for election, the CDU, however, prevent there being another "ghetto" as it happens in different parts of the city is. The Union will rationally planned and balanced housing.

How should this be financed?
my view, nothing should be done at the present time, which leads to unnecessary expenditure. We need to focus on the things that really matter. The education of all young people, as we in Germany is fundamentally different from our "human capital" are subject to the security of the citizens of our city, and the preservation of our jobs.
There is no money there for any lighthouse projects. The Elbe Philharmonic Hall was begun at a time when we were still really good income. Unfortunately, this project is not to stop, however, since it costs a lot more the whole thing would be discontinued. Financially, we are
but on a very right track. The now former CEO of HSH Nordbank, Dr. Nonnenmacher, has brought our state bank back in the right direction. We are from the quarterly results 2-3 quarters ago before the actual goal of the last quarter. This
good preparatory work, we will overcome this financial chief position.
The financing of the projects mentioned above are covered by the last budget.
If you like the SPD, however, promises to pay for everything and make it free, we must not be bekommen.Man really about our city our city so afraid to ruin.

What do you say to the Lord Christoph Alhaus only for the light rail was broken and after coalition of the Greens any more? The Light rail is definitely a very interesting project, which was introduced by the Greens in the coalition agreement. However, it is in the way it should not be implemented have been preserved. The GAL was a bad route. As it was the problem that the track would have been only 7-8 km.
In comparison to that you have to show that the light rail until the 40th kilometer of track would have been profitable. All short-haul routes would be yearly, monthly, weekly and daily led to loss in the cash register. This is not to make at the present time. Especially when you consider the financial difficulties of our city.

Can you tell us what the saying "Less crime. now what?" is to see many posters that mean?
It's easy to understand. In 2001, the CDU took over the governance of our beautiful city by the social democrats, we had the unfortunate title of "crime capital". Since then, the CDU has continuously provided by various means that the crime has fallen. The SPD does not stress the safety and the GAL is responsible for ensuring that no longer really a lot of police will be set. This is with the CDU different again!

forecast times our readers why they should choose the CDU in one sentence! The CDU should you choose if you want a stable and sensible government that fights for internal security and education.


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